Caught in Lies
Both Jimmy's World and The Wafer Story are very fabricated, in Jimmy's World it tells the heartwarming story of a little boy who had been introduced to heroin at only the age of 8 years old. Janet Cooke who wrote the article, won an award for her work, but years later when she was asked to prove that Jimmy was real, she could not and had to give the award back putting her job as a journalist to shame. For The Wafer Story, an article was written on how Steven Harper placed a Communion wafer in his pocket which was inaccurate and should have not been published. Both the Publisher and Editor have been fired and had to apologize to Mr. Harper.
My reaction to both of these articles is how can you call yourself a professional journalist if you have to make up lies to get people to pay attention, fake news happens all the time and I think that it should be stopped, if you are professional you will not have to make it up.
I totally agree with Shafer, you either have the talent to tell the truth for a good story, or you lie your way through it and get nothing rewarding about it in the end . I think that if you want to be a Journalist you should make sure that before you leave school that you feel good about your responsibility's instead of pressured to have a great story and lie your way through it.
Yes I do agree that a Newspaper ombudsmen would help, people should be able to talk about fake news , I for sure would not complain about having a Newspaper ombudsmen they can help and try to understand the issue within the Company.